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On my skin

Tomorrow evening, in Matera (Palazzo Lanfranchi), the Basilicata Museum District – together with the Cinema Piccolo and Cinergia_Association of Cinematographic Culture – and in collaboration with the Matera – Basilicata Foundation 2019 decided to project On my skin, the film by Alessio Cremonini that tells the last days of Stefano Cucchi. Due to the adverse weather conditions, the film will be shown in the Levi room of Palazzo Lanfranchi at 8.00 pm, with a reply at 9.45 pm.

The film, starring Alessandro Borghi and Jasmine Trinca, was selected as the opening film of the “Horizons” section at the 75th Venice Film Festival.

An unscheduled appointment dedicated to the cinema of civil commitment that closes the beautiful and participated summer season Museums Fuori Orario.

With the screening of the film On my Skin – produced by Netfllix and distributed by Lucky Red – recently released in the cinema, but not in Matera, the Basilicata Museum District wants to turn the spotlight on the story told and share an important moment of reflection, cultural and civil. Human and therefore politics in the widest possible sense.

An example of civil cinema, high, necessary that we hope can attract the interest of many young people and more.

We thank the Lucana Film Commission.

Free entry.

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