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Giornate Europee del Patrimonio 2018

Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd September 2018 the Basilicata Museum  District joins the 2018 edition of the European Heritage Days (GEP), opening to the citizens the doors of its museums and places of culture, with free guided tours and special events. For the only day of Saturday 22, from 20.00 to 23.00, admission to museums will be possible at the symbolic price of 1 euro.
The event – promoted by the Council of Europe and the European Commission and organized by the Department for Cultural Heritage and Activities – has been successfully held since 1991 in all European countries in order to make citizens aware of their cultural heritage as an element of union and difference, and to encourage active participation in safeguarding and transmitting to new generations.
“The Art of sharing” is the theme chosen for the 2018 GEPs, with the aim of building ever deeper bonds and exchanges between the places of culture, territories and communities. Inspired by this idea, the Basilicata Museum District proposes for the weekend a “Petit tour among the Museums of the Basilicata Museum District”, a journey to discover some of its museums.



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