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Families at the Museum. Ingrandimenti. Small but precious

The Basilicata Museum District joins on Sunday, October 14, 2018, at the sixth edition of the National Day of Families at the Museum – F @ Mu, the appointment of the Museums – dedicated to families with children – largest and most important in Italy, sponsored by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities.

Small but precious is the theme chosen for this year’s edition, with the idea of ​​affirming the centrality of children, small but precious users of culture, and at the same time enhancing the value of museums and their close link with the territory and the community.

Inspired by this theme, the Basilicata Museum District, on the occasion of the F @ MU2018, offers children and families Ingrandimenti. Small but precious, an initiative of the 365 Storie bookstore and of Else Edizioni Silkscreen Books And Other. A series of screen printing workshops, curated by Else_Edizioni, which will be held from 11 to 13 October, from 9.00 to 13.00, in the Sala Levi of Palazzo Lanfranchi.

The workshops will involve students in Classes III and IV of the “Giovanni Minozzi – Nicola Festa” Comprehensive School, of the Cappelluti Primary School, of the “Giovanni Pascoli” Comprehensive Institute, of the “A. Moro “and of the Istituto comprensivo 6” Donato Bramante “.

The illustrated works, bound and silk-screened, will be exhibited, on Sunday 14 October, in a wing of the Museum next to the exhibition spaces, starting at 10.00 am, together with the serigraphs by Gabriella Giandelli, illustrator of the book Ingrandimenti by Walter Benjamin. Precisely this work will inspire children to concretely realize their “book”, limited edition of 30 copies.

A unique experience that will transport the little ones in the fascinating world of “craftsmanship”. A meeting opportunity for families and children, a moment of sharing to appreciate the work of Marco Carsetti and Chiara Mammarella of Else Edizioni, a silk screen printing workshop, born in Rome in 2010, which produces illustrated books and handmade products , in limited series, with ecological materials, and to know the library for children and teenagers “365 Stories”, opened in Matera by Anna and Iolanda Nardandrea.

The National Day of Families at the Museum will end, again in the Sala Levi of Palazzo Lanfranchi, at 7.30 pm, with the concert dedicated to the children Cilla cilla by Maria Moramarco, with the ensemble Uaragniaun. The concert takes its name from the last solo work of the singer, for years the heart and voice of “Uaragniaun”. A musical project born to tell the ancestral stories of the childhood of the rural appololucana civilization.

Cilla cilla is the caption of a sing-song that rhythmically jumps in pairs with crossed arms. Canzoncine, rhymes and nursery rhymes accompanied children’s games in rural and pastoral civilization.


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