On Wednesday 19 September, at 7.00 pm, for the free day of the Basilicata state museums, held on the 19th of every month to mark the approach to 2019 together with the Matera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation, Palazzo Lanfranchi will inaugurate exhibition 10 Photographers for 10 Museums. The special exhibition, which for the first time “invades” and occupies most of the museum’s exhibition spaces, collects all the works of the photographic exhibitions of the project 10 Photographers for 10 Museums (realized thanks to the Contemporary Art Plan of MiBAC), exhibited since last 19 July in the 10 museums of Basilicata Museum District. The path in fact provided a conclusive moment that would return, in Matera, the richness of the whole project and the different points of view that have animated it.
Protagonists of this extraordinary photographic adventure, with which the Basilicata Museum District has tried to answer the question: “What language do our museums speak?” Were ten photographers, different by experience, age, gender, language, who have investigated the different Polo museums: Francesco Radino [Palazzo Lanfranchi Museum], Mario Cresci [Domenico Ridola Archaeological Museum of Matera], Pierangelo Laterza [Metaponto Archaeological Museum], Angela Rosati [Archaeological Museum of Siritide di Policoro], Francesco La Centra [Museum of the High Val d’Agri in Grumento Nova], Alfredo Chiarappa [Archaeological Museum Dinu Adamesteanu di Potenza], Cosmo Laera [Museo Archeologico Massimo Pallottino di Melfi], Michele Battilomo[Museum and Archaeological Park of Venosa], Federica Danzi [ Muro Lucano Archaeological Museum] and Luca Centola [Palazzo Ducale di Tricarico].